Nursery Curriculum
GHDN follows the statutory Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to ensure we are meeting the individual needs and interests of each child. Following the guidelines of the EYFS also makes certain that we are providing a safe and secure learning environment. Children are provided with daily opportunities to help them meet the development stages in each learning area.
The EYFS is divided into seven areas of learning: three Prime and four Specific areas.
Prime Areas
Physical Development (PD)
Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED)
Communication and Language Development (CL)
Specific Areas
Literacy (L)
Mathematics (M)
Understanding The World (UW)
Expressive Arts and Design (EAD)
Embedded within these seven areas, are the Characteristics of Learning:
Playing and exploring
finding out and exploring
using what they know in their play
being willing to have a go
Active learning
being involved and concentrating
keeping on trying
enjoying achieving what they set out to do
Creating and thinking critically
having their own ideas
using what they already know to learn new things
choosing ways to do things and finding new way
All these guidelines work together to give a holistic view of how children are learning and progressing.
Children have the right to play!
All learning for children in an Early Years setting is play-based, whether child or adult led. We will provide play-based opportunities for problem solving, exploration and engagement at each of our sessions. Staff will interact with the children as they play to support them and to help them reflect on their learning.
When planning our activities at GHDN, all areas of the EYFS will be covered throughout each day. For the children under two years old, the three primary areas are given the most emphasis. We always include the children’s needs and interests as we plan, to encourage and enhance their learning.
Each child is assigned a key person who will be introduced to you when your child starts at GHDN. They will ensure that your child’s learning and care meets their individual needs. They will send daily reports about your child through a digital platform and will be available to discuss your child’s progress when needed.
Curricular Intentions
Within the ethos of Every Child Matters, our intent is to provide a blended mix of life education and academic skills that facilitates the children in our care to:
Become self-aware, confident learners and communicators;
Be independent in their health care needs and to understand healthy living;
Be reflective on their own actions, to be considerate and caring, thereby building positive relationships with others and forming secure attachments;
Instil a love of books and reading;
Provide the skills for mark-making and writing;
Promote and advance their creativity and imagination with freedom of self-expression;
Develop number sense;
Foster a sense of space;
Understand and build on their cultural capital locally and globally;
Be aware of and take care of all aspects of the environment.